Finches healthy food in tamil / best breeding food for finches in tamil / finches food in tamil /


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In this video is clearly explained about the topic finches healthy food information in tamil and finches best breeding foods and food list information in tamil.

Finches healthy food list is most important for finches breeding and finches lifespan. Finches food list is most important for finches breeding time.

Finches life time is 8 to 10 years. But caged finches life time is 6 to 7 years. Maybe you increase in our life time healthy food to increase finches life span. Most important think is finches breeding time its provided healthy food is must important for finches and chicks. Finches don’t only feed in food it’s feed in to finches fats also. So, give healthy food to improve your finches health and chicks growth.

Thinai ( millet ) :
Maximum finches are eating in only millet. Because pet shop is only feed in millet only for finches. So, new food is don’t eat for finches. You try to new for finches this time don’t any type food in our cage. Maximum new food is trying for finches chicks. Its easy to take new food.

Water :
Water is most important for finches. Maximum disease are spread in water. So, provide clean water and change water in minimum 2 times in a day. Try to clean water in finches.

Cuttlefish bone:
Calcium content is more important for finches. Calcium is used for finches egg shell strength and finches bone strength. So, calcium is most important for finches. Cuttlefish bone is any time on finches cage. Cuttlefish bone is main food for finches food list.

Egg food :
Egg is contained in high amount Of calcium content. So, give egg food for finches minimum weekly twice or weekly once. Egg food used for egg shell strength and finches bone strength. Finches food list main food for egg food

soft food :
Finches soft food is cooking rice. Some people is cooking in to salt cooking rice. Don’t give salt cooking rice for finches. Any salt food is don’t give birds. Soft food for finches is cooking rice it’s give don’t salt cooking rice for finches. It’s best soft food for finches and baby finches.

Spinach :
Finches favorite food is the spinach. It’s most favorite for all type Of birds. Finches eating on all type Of spinach. So give for weekly once or weekly twice. Spinach is contained in iron calcium vitamin A vitamin B and vitamin C. Spinach is very healthy food for finches and best breeding food finches .

Carrot and beetroot :
Carrot and beetroot is healthy for finches eyes, it’s reduce finches eyes problems. Carrot and beetroot is slice in small piece and give to finches. It’s containing a calcium iron vitamin A vitamin C. Carrot and beetroot is very healthy for finches.

Mung beans :
Mung beans is very healthy food for finches. It’s main food for finches breeding times. Mung beans Breast augmentation is very healthy for finches and chicks. It’s very healthy for finches and chicks growthing. Mung beans 1 day in water and give breast augment mung beans for finches. Mung beans is smash in very nise to give finches and baby finches. It’s including a protein cooper vitamin B6 vitamin c vitamin K. Mung beans is very healthy for finches and baby finches.

Breed :
Breed is including a iron and minerals. Breed is very healthy food for finches. Breed is cutting in very small piece to give finches. It’s soft food for finches. Breed mixed in to milk and give finches.

Mixed food :
Pearl millet barnyard millet ragi and Sesamum mixed in to thinai millet. This mixed food is very healthy for finches. It’s give to finches breeding time and chicks growthing time. Mixed food including in vitamin minerals and iron. Mixed food is very healthy for finches and baby finches healthy growth.

Termites :
Termites is best food for finches. It’s easy to available for home nears. It’s high amount healthy content is providing for finches. Termites is very healthy food for finches.

Sun light is give a vitamin D. So, your cage is fixed in outside Of sun light provide space. Sun light provided to finches is active.

This food list is very healthy for finches and chicks. It’s best breeding food for finches. This food is increase finches health and chicks growth. In this video is clearly explain about finches healthy food and finches best breeding food list in Tamil.

Thank you


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