•Fiber – One of the best foods for gut health is fiber, since bacteria love to f…


•Fiber – One of the best foods for gut health is fiber, since bacteria love to feast on it. According to the dietary guidelines, an average adult male needs to eat 34 grams a day while women should consume 28 grams.💚

Eating 3 Servings a day of Whole Grains
is linked to Lower Body Weight…
Options Include: Brown Rice, Oats, Barley,
Buckwheat, Millet, Bulgur (cracked wheat),
Couscous and Quinoa.

#guthealth #health #wellness #wellnesscoach #healthCoach #nutrition #nutritionist #nutritionspeacilist #lancasterca #palmdaleca #phtesting #FreeConsultation #eatwell #livewell #healthtips


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