Feeling exhausted? Is your battery running on low🪫? Adrenal fatigue is a genera…


Feeling exhausted? Is your battery running on low🪫?
Adrenal fatigue is a general term describing a variety of symptoms created by exhaustive adrenal function. Symptoms may vary from person to person however most experience sleep disturbance, exhaustion, and food cravings.
Your adrenal glands are bean-sized glands that sit on top of your kidneys. They produce several hormones but are primarily responsible for your stress response aka “fight or flight.”
Adrenal fatigue can have widespread affects on your body. What can help?
➡️ quality sleep 😴
➡️ diet, prioritize protein to help with blood sugar balance.
➡️ decrease stress 🧘‍♀️
➡️ supplements for adrenal support!
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