Easy and healthy breakfast in 5 minutes | Healthy food recipes | 5 minutes healthy breakfast


Hello everyone..
In this video let’s see how to make Easy and healthy breakfast in 5 minutes using very few ingredients. This recipe is very easy and simple to prepare but very tasty and delicious.. This healthy recipe can be served as Breakfast, Lunch or dinner..
Don’t miss to try this easy breakfast recipe at home and let us know your valuable feedback in the comments below..

Ingredients used for this recipe:
Rice flour – 1 cup
Salt to taste
Grated carrot – 1/4 cup
Grated paneer – 1/4 cup
Green chilli – 2 (Chopped)
Onion – 1/4 cup
Coriander leaves (Chopped)
Sesame seeds – 1 tsp
Jeera / Cumin seeds – 1/2 tsp
Ghee / Clarified butter – 1 tsp
Chilli powder – 1/2 tsp

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| healthy meal prep | breakfast ideas | easy breakfast ideas | breakfast recipes | easy breakfast recipes | instant breakfast recipes | 5 minute foods | weight loss recipe | low calorie meals | food | tasty | how to | indian food


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