Desk Job Health series ⠀ Desk Jobs are making us sick⠀ ⠀ Around 86% of American …


Desk Job Health series🖥️ ⠀
Desk Jobs are making us sick😰⠀

Around 86% of American workers sit all day at work.⠀

Sitting for lengthy periods is terrible for our body. Aches and pains are the least of our problems – sitting too much can lead to an early death. We face a higher risk of muscular-skeletal disorders, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, depression, obesity and more, even if we work our regularly.⠀

While quitting and becoming a FT fitness instructor or yoga teacher may not be an option, we need to use our creativity to stay healthy and active. It all starts with making a commitment to your health and wellbeing! There is lot that we cannot control in office environment but there are some things we can do to feel better, stay healthy and maximize our potential.💯⠀

· Make a commitment to prioritize your health. Job is a job, it pays your bills, but don’t let it ruin your health.⠀
· Assess your diet. Do you eat healthy and nourishing diet?⠀
· Assess your movement. Can you incorporate more movement into your day?⠀
· Practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is being aware of our thoughts, feelings, sensations, and surrounding environment without any judgement.⠀
· Stay inspired. Dedicate free time to doing what you love. It will raise your spirit no matter how much your day job drains you.⠀

As a FT desk jockey, I will be sharing my solutions and my routines. Are you in to become part of healthy desk jockeys tribe? Follow me ❤️⠀

#deskjob, #deskjoblife, #deskjobproblems, #toomuchsitting, #officehealth, #officehealthtips, #officewellness, #officewellbeing, #workplacewellness, #workplacewellbeing, #workplacewellnessprogram, #corporatewellness, #9to5, #modernhealth, #wellnesstips, #wellnesstip, #wellnesstipsforliving, #healthtips, #healthtipsoftheday, #healthtips4life, #healthtipsforwomen, #livehealthylivewell, #livehealthybehappy, #supportyourhealth, #deskjockey, #deskjockeys, #wellbeincoach, #healthisyourwealth


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