Deadlifts today, sumo style! Happy with the numbers, less happy with my form. …


Deadlifts today, sumo style!

Happy with the numbers, less happy with my form.

Singles up to 250 kg’s today.

Vid 1) 250 kg single
Vid 2) 230 kg single
Vid 3) 230 kg single different angle.

First sumo’s I did in weeks, a bit rusty, during the lift i have to think to much of every step of the movement, which is as follows

Approach the bar
Feet at the right place
Focus and stand tall
Hands allready in the chosen grip position
Big Breath and brace
Hips low
Grap the bar
Pre tension
Knees out
Push the world away
Bring hips in

I need to work at the pushing the world away part, my legdrive is not good enough and because of that my hips go up to fast and than I need to compensate with my back.

Good thing about all this is, I know how to improve all this 😏

Big thanks to the best gymcrew in the world for endless support 🙏🙏🙏



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