Cassava dose with Sailfish curry Sri Lankan healthy food | Ceylon Village life


Cassava dose with Sailfish curry Sri Lankan healthy food | Ceylon Village life

Many people love cassava but are fed up of boiled cassava. So I thought of making a change!

First of all I uprooted two rich cassava bushes and washed yams. After slicing them, I put them onto a clout that was tied on a pot which had water inside.

Thereafter, some tuna was cleaned and cut into pieces. Chilly, goraka and pepper were ground and made into lumps. Then onion and green chilly were sliced and garlic was crushed.

The boiled cassava were ready by the time I finish the previous task and I removed them out from the hearth and put into a bowl for cooling.

After a clay pot had been heated, coconut oil was added into it. Curry leaves, onion, green chilly were fried until they turn into golden color in oil. Then the lumps of ground chilly, pepper and goraka that were dissolved in water, were also added into the pot. The washed fish slices were mixed with turmeric powder, curry powder, and salt and were set aside.

When the soup was about to boil under low heat, fish were added.

Then the boiled cassava were smashed until they become a thick lump. Wheat powder, salt and egg were mixed along to make the dose batter. Pan was placed on the hearth. Then I made a sambal using onion, chilly, tomato, salt and lime juice.

So I could taste a new type of cassava dose, tuna curry and sambal with my nephew.

Track 1

Track: Qingchen Yaqin NCM version
Music provided by Youtube Free Music Library (NCM)

Track 2

Track: Fireworks March (Bamboo Flute) NCM version
Music provided by Youtube Free Music Library (NCM)

Track 3

Beautiful Relaxing Flute No Copyright Music Drone Footage (4K)
Full Credit to Son Nam Sen
Artist -Son Nam Sen
Song.- Baby You light Up my World


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