Bodybuilding Competition – 1 Week Out Strategy


Watch my update as my lower body leans out. Hear about my food / diet and workout strategy for this last week! Losing water weight and getting flat /drying out, and carbing up is the name of the game. I’m 1 week out from my big day! Peak week! Check below for start times on topics!

What you’ll see in this video:

Low body fat makes me cold! Tanning process. Pro Tan for bodybuilding industry. I’m doing a combo of real tanning and spray tanning. Goal is to look Hawaiian this time!

First time ever in my life that I see leg definition in my quads and my hamstrings! 🙂

DIET strategy for last week (Start time: 3:10)
– Foods consist of 6 things (Chicken, Fish, Oatmeal, Yams, Vegetables including asparagus, and Water)
– No more protein shakes or whey; going all natural only!
– Zero carbs and increase of carbs to get ready for carb up
– Sodium strategy
– Diuretic – dandelion root
– Water strategy

Competition Day Strategy
– Meals 1 & 2
– Crazy concoction of RAW oats and cooked yams to dry out muscles

What am I packing in my BAG? (Start time: 7:15)
– Food
– Honey
– Bikini butt glue
– Posing oil
– Extra pair of shoes
– Makeup and hair essentials
– Borrowing pump up gear from competitors

WORKOUT Strategy (Start time: 8:13)
– Last workout is Wed
– Last leg workout is Sun
– Cardio

THANK YOU to all the support from you guys and to my subscribers!! I appreciate all of you watching me ramble and rooting for me! Please feel free to introduce yourself to me in the comments or on Instagram or Facebook.

Halloween was my birthday! I was Chun Li from Street Fighter! Check out my short 1:21 YouTube video of me in my costume in action!

Chun Li Workout – Mimi Mini Supplement

New York, NY (Tribeca Film Center)
Sat, Nov 8

Next WED – Stay tuned for my update of my big day! Follow me on Instagram or Facebook until then!


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Check out my other videos:

Muscle & Carb Cycling – 2 weeks out

Determined / Photoshoot – 3 weeks out

Get Ripped– 4 weeks out

Arm Workout – 5 weeks out

Abs Workout – 6 weeks out

Posing Practice – 8 weeks out

Daily Regimen – 9 weeks out

Intensity & Mindset – 10 weeks out

Cardio HIIT & Steady State 11 weeks out

Strong Woman Heavy Weightlifting 12 weeks out

Diet / Weight Loss – Bodybuilding Competition 13 weeks out

See my Intro/Background Video 14 weeks out

Thanks again for watching!

Hi I’m Mimi! My goal is to help you discover new ideas & strategies to apply to your own eating and fitness goals.

EAT Not Diet helps people who want a sexy, toned body to lose weight, keep it off, and improve their lives through nutrition and lifestyle wellness coaching.

There is no one magical diet that works for all! Diets are broken!

BIO: Founder & CEO of EAT Not Diet, 3x Nationally Qualified Bodybuilder in NPC Figure Division, Netflix Ultimate Beastmaster Team USA, NBC American Ninja Warrior, Fitness Nutrition Specialist, Certified Coach Practitioner – Lifestyle Wellness, Huffington Post Blogger, Team BPI Sports YouTube Reviews, and Fitness Model with 15 yrs experience as a food loving meathead 🙂 Isopure “More Than Muscle” Semifinalist. Transformation Winner for Hydroxycut Nutrition and Muscle & Fitness Hers Magazine. Featured in FLEX Bodybuilding Magazine and Natural Bodybuilding & Fitness Magazine.

BPI Sports 20% Off Code: MIMI

Schedule: Bi-weekly on Wednesdays. Additional videos periodically.


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