BEST Babywearing Workout Video | Effective Postpartum Exercises


Enjoy this Effective Babywearing Workout. This fun mommy and me workout come be completed by baby wearing or just with your little one close. Grab your baby carrier, a mat and a pair of dumbbells!

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You voluntarily assume any and all risks, known or unknown associated with this exercise. The producers of this content, it’s distributors, and the performers are not liable for any injury, health impairment, or accident befalling any viewer using these videos, or any injury, health impairment, or accident that may befall any person utilizing techniques suggested in this video.

If you have any health related questions I suggest you consult with a physician or health and fitness expert before attempting any of the exercises that are illustrated in this video. You understand that physical exercise can be strenuous and can expose you to the risk of serious injury. I urge you to obtain a physical examination from a doctor before participating in any exercise activity.


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