As a nutritional coach I help my clients reorganize their refrigerator and pantr…


As a nutritional coach I help my clients reorganize their refrigerator and pantry closet in order to properly see what they have. With this client, they would purchase fresh produce, but it would always get pushed to the back, be forgotten about, and then be refound rotten (how many of us are guilty of that? I know I have been, no shame lol).

Now she can clearly see her produce, her condiments, beverages, etc. Everything has its place. Her pantry is organized by snacks, grains, etc. By making this small adjustment, she discovered how much she over shopped, and didn’t have to go to the grocery store this week because she already had more than she needed.

It’s the small changes we make that help lead us to a healthier lifestyle. Take baby steps, no one expects you to make big changes all at once.

#nutrion #nutrionalcoaching #organizedkitchen #health #healthtips #healthylifestyle #healthyliving


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