Anti-inflammatory Diet for Depression


If depression can be induced with pro-inflammatory drugs, might an anti-inflammatory diet be effective in preventing and treating mood disorders?

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Whoa, I packed a lot into that one!

If you’re as much of a sucker for evolutionary biology theory as I am, check out:
High Blood Pressure May Be a Choice (
The Problem With the Paleo Diet Argument (
Why Do We Age? (

More on endotoxins in:
• The Leaky Gut Theory of Why Animal Products Cause Inflammation (
• The Exogenous Endotoxin Theory (
• Dead Meat Bacteria Endotoxemia (

I got gazillions of videos on inflammation. Here are a few:
• Which Spices Fight Inflammation? (
• How Tumors Use Meat to Grow: Xeno-Autoantibodies (
• Potassium and Autoimmune Disease (
• Anti-Inflammatory Antioxidants (
• Modern Meat Not Ahead of the Game (

That study that showed that dramatic decrease in inflammation within weeks on a plant-based diet was the one I featured in Biblical Daniel Fast Put to the Test (

And finally for more on the effect diet can have on mental health:
• Fighting the Blues with Greens? (
• Aspartame and the Brain (
• Improving Mood Through Diet (
• Exercise vs. Drugs for Depression (
• Do Antidepressant Drugs Really Work? (
• Antioxidants and Depression (
• Can Dehydration Affect Our Mood? (
• Plant-Based Diets for Improved Mood and Productivity (

Have a question for Dr. Greger about this video? Leave it in the comment section at and he’ll try to answer it!

Image Credit: Ars Electronica via Flickr.

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