Advice I used to follow from fitness experts was to avoid salt: ‘you can live without salt!’


Some of the advice I used to follow from fitness experts was to avoid salt: ‘you can live without salt!’ I kept hearing. So I suffered and ate tasteless food 🤮

While that advice wasn’t not-true, it lacked context. We need salt to produce hormones – women especially!

-Comes from natural evaporated seawater under the sun.
-5% Natural potassium, calcium and as many as 75 minerals that give flavor.
-The trace minerals are readily used by the body as they are naturally occurring.

– Helps maintain healthy electrolyte balance in body
– Removes dead skin particles and helps in skin renewal
– Soaking feet in a warm sea salt solution relieves soreness and pain

-Heated to extreme temperatures
-Refined with chemicals potassium & sodium
-lodide added for iodized salt
-Dextose, sodium bicarbonate & sodium added for color
– full of micro plastic

Harmful effects:
– high blood pressure
– heart disease
– stroke
– heart attacks

Pick your salt well! #biohacking #saltbae


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