According to Ayurveda, the first question we should ask is not if a food is heal…


According to Ayurveda, the first question we should ask is not if a food is healthy, but rather, is if we have a strong digestive fire, or Agni. This is because if we don’t have a strong Agni, we won’t be able to properly breakdown the nutrients in any food – even if its the most healthy super food on the planet. Food that is not broken down and absorbed becomes Ama, or toxins in the body. This is what can create dis-ease and illness. One of my favorite ways to promote strong Agni is by consuming CCF tea, which is a super medicinal Ayurvedic remedy for strong digestion. Check out the recipe (link in bio). ❤️🌈🫖☕️ #ayurveda #healthyfood #healingfoods


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