A Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) can drive you crazy and be quite painful. Usuall…


A Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) can drive you crazy and be quite painful. Usually, a doctor would prescribe antibiotics – the most popular being Bactrim, Cipro, and Macrobid. However, these medications come with problematic side effects, and they’re quite a few patients who may get relief, but then the UTI comes back.

There are also many natural treatment options available. Some have been scientifically proven to work, others were developed through feedback heard from patients who used them personally and felt better after.

The following is a list of natural treatment options:
– Cayenne pepper
– Raw garlic
– D-mannose
– Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE)
– Olive Leaf Extract (OLE)
– Uva Ursi
– Oil of Oregano
– Biofilm Disruptors

❗ ❗ ❗ Avoid cranberry juice. Cranberry juice contains high amounts of sugar, which is counterproductive to treating any infection. Also, the active ingredient that does the work of killing the infection is D-mannose. Opt for a supplement form to get the concentrated amounts you need without the sugar.

UTI can be preventable if you take necessary precautions. These natural remedies are tried by several people, but before you decide to try any treatment, consult your healthcare professional to ensure these natural methods are safe to try.

Learn more at healthmed.org or click the link in our bio.

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