A bout of food poisoning has me re-calibrating with some back-to-basic principle…


A bout of food poisoning has me re-calibrating with some back-to-basic principles.

✅ Starting each day with hot water and lemon not only aids in digestion, it helps me stay hydrated and supplies a healthy dose of vitamin C.

I often just have it plain but you can add ginger, honey or even a bit of cayenne pepper! 🔥

✅ Food poisoning can do a number on your digestive system so it’s important to ease back into eating gradually by choosing foods that are easily digestible like soups, broths, smoothies and lightly steamed veg.

✅ Probiotics help repopulate your gut with healthy intestinal flora and staying hydrated with water and/or herbal tea is a must!

Avoiding caffeine, alcohol, sugar and deep fried foods is your best bet to help your immune system recover. 👊👊 👊

Stay healthy and eat to support your body, mind and spirit!

#nutritionist #healthcoach #fitnesscoach #runner #lifecoach #yogateacher #writer #gesund #healthiswealth #guthealth #immunity #lemonwater #healthtips


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