Free Workout plan, one week bodyweight fat burning home workout challenge! Seven days, seven workouts which you can complete at home or whilst travelling, all you need is 19 minutes, a little space and some motivation!! The Full workouts and descriptions below!

Workouts: You have 19minutes for each workout, how many rounds can you do? Join me on my Instagram where i’ll be uploading them each day for you to save to your feed! www.instagram.com/carlyrowena

Day 1 – Full Body – 10 Backwards lunge kick, 10 walk outs, 10 shoulder plank touch.

Day 2 – Legs – 10 Close to wide Jump Squat, 10 Plie Squat, 10 squat to donkey kick.

Day 3 – Full Body – 10 commandos, 10 walk out press ups, 10 tricep dips.

Day 4 – Upper – 10 shoulder tap pushups, 10 second star plank, 10 plank jump ins,

Day 5 – Full Body – 10 burpees, 10 compass lunges, 10 knees to low squat.

Day 6 – Abs – 10 Bicycle crunches, 10 knee plank taps, 10 plank row.

Day 7 – Full Body – 10 air squats , 10 hip thrusters, 10 squat thrusts.

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Gleam Futures
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60 Charlotte Street


F A Q ‘ s

Q: What camera do you use to film?
A: I film my videos with the Canon 5D Mark 3 ( ) and my Vlogs with the Olympus Pen (
Q: What lighting do you use?
A: I use natural lighting and a softbox light: (
What editing software do you use?
A: iMovie and Final Cut Pro


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Thanks for watching! ❤


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