40 Most Important Health Tips For Life: This Video Will Change Your Life


40 Most Important Health Tips For Life. In this video I did my best to explain about 40 Health Tips For Life. Please watch it and learn from it.

A healthy lifestyle begins with a healthy body. Americans have becoming increasingly unhealthy, sedentary, and unhappy in the last decade and rank relatively lower on the scale than other nations for overall healthiness and happiness. The two do often go hand in hand. Obesity is on the rise, closely correlated with a sedentary lifestyle and is one of the leading reasons for depression. The famous line “a healthy mind leads to a healthy body” also applies when talking about overall healthiness. This is a list of the top health tips for leading a happy and healthy lifestyle.

· Don’t diet. Eat healthier all of the time and it will be better in the long run. Losing weight gradually is generally better than losing it quickly and is more likely to stay off.

· Eat a high fiber diet. This is an important top health tip. This includes whole grains, brown bread, and cereals. Fiber regulates the digestive system and reduces the risk of bowel cancer. Average about 13-18 grams of fiber a day.

· Stay away from hazardous artificial sweeteners, and try to substitute sugar with the likes of natural sweetening alternatives such as agave nectar or better yet stevia artificial sweetener that is safe and sweet.

· Reduce the amount of saturated fat consumed daily. Only 35% of daily calorie intake should be fat calories and only 10% of those should be from saturated fats.


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