300 Spartan Warrior Workout: BODY WEIGHT ONLY!


One of the most intense body weight workout routines I have ever performed. If you can make it without any rest then you are a true Spartan Warrior (whatever that is…).

This is how the workout goes:
10 pull ups then immediately 10 push ups
10 pull ups then immediately 10 push ups
10 pull ups then immediately 10 push ups
10 pull ups then immediately 10 push ups
Rest for 2 minutes
15 squats then immediately 15 hyperextensions
15 squats then immediately 15 hyperextensions
15 squats then immediately 15 hyperextensions
15 squats then immediately 15 hyperextensions
Rest for 2 minutes
10 chin ups then immediately 10 dips
10 chin ups then immediately 10 dips
10 chin ups then immediately 10 dips
10 chin ups then immediately 10 dips

Try not to take rest. Note that this is a ADVANCED workout routine. If you do not understand how the routine is build up you are most likely not advanced enough to use it either!

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