30 Days Home Transformation: No Equipment/No Strict Diet – Home Workout Transformation



I recorded my physical progress over 30 days using only basic home exercises and the most basic form of cardio. I did not use any equipment whatsoever. Watch the video to find out.

I did not have a strict diet plan, and I was eating out virtually everyday.
However, I tried to eat relatively clean. More information in the video.

Equipment used in the video and their Amazon links:

Mic: (Canada)
Lights: (Canada)
LED: (Canada)
Camera: (Canada)
Tripod: (Canada)

As an Amazon Associate, I might earn from qualifying purchases.

Instagram: @ksh.tiz

#homeworkout #transformation #fitness #pushups #situps #squats #30day #100pushupchallenge #100situp #challenge #fitnesstransformation #nocardio #abs #absathome #6packabs
Music from Youtube Audio Library.
Additional sound effects from:

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