15 MIN FAT BURN Home Workout (No Jumping Modifications + No Equipment)


This is a 15 minute full body home workout that is focused on both cardio exercises and toning exercises. We have 15 moves, 40 seconds work followed by 20 seconds rest.

For effective weight loss and fat burning, combining cardio exercises, toning workouts, and a well-balanced diet is key. We have a diet video available on our channel in case you’re interested.

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Warm Up Playlist:
Cool Down Playlist:

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#fitness #workout #homeworkout #exercise #rheashroffekhlas #bodyfittv #fatburn #bellyburn #fullbodyworkout

Disclaimer: Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this or any other exercise program may result in injury. Please always consult your doctor before beginning this or any other exercise video or program. By performing any of the exercises in this exercise video or program, you assume all risks of injury from doing so. Body Fit TV, its associates and Rhea Shroff are not responsible or liable for any injury or loss you may sustain by participating in this exercise video or program. Always warm up before beginning any workout and never exercise beyond the level at which you feel comfortable. Make sure to prioritize your health and safety. The videos and programs is what works for me and my views and not meant to be advise to you. You can consult with a fitness and nutrition professional to help you figure out what works for you. Always prioritize your health and safety above all else.


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