14 Healthy Foods Women Should Eat Every Day


Dark leafy greens? Salmon? Can’t go wrong with eggs! Stay tuned to know about foods that women should eat everyday.

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#HealthyEating #HealthyDiet #Bestie


Intro – 0:00
1. Asparagus – 00:41
2. Dark chocolate – 01:27
3. Blueberry – 01:59
4. Garlic – :02:33
5. Dark leafy greens – 03:07
6. Lentils – 03:43
7. Flax seed – 04:14
8. Sweet potatoes – 04:51
9. Plain yogurt -05:33
10. Egg – 06:05
11. Beans – 06:35
12. Walnut – 07:13
13. Almond – 07:45
14. Cruciferous Vegetables – 08:16


1. Asparagus
Asparagus has numerous health benefits for everyone. It has the highest antioxidant content among vegetables. Its benefits go beyond that, especially for women. It is loaded with folate which helps women during pregnancy. It keeps the baby safe from any potential birth defects. It is also a good source of estrogen for women who have gone through a hysterectomy. Because of this unique estrogen production it also helps in fighting menopause.

2. Dark Chocolate
If you have a sweet tooth then this is welcome news! Dark chocolate has several benefits including maintaining your heart health and keeping blood pressure in check. It’s an amazing, healthy, sweet substitute for women. The absence of sugar makes it a good choice for diabetics, too.

3. Blueberries
Did you know that blueberries contain more than twice the amount of antioxidants compared to other fruits? And they’re more than just pretty desserts, they’re superfoods. These tiny berries contain all the essential nutrients and vitamins necessary for detox and keep you healthy.

4. Garlic
Garlic is a dark horse of the health world. It contains Vitamin B6, manganese and Vitamin C among other essential nutrients. It’s also used as a natural and effective home remedy for the flu. The active compounds also manage high blood pressure and hypertension.

For more information, please watch the video until the very end.
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