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Tag A Bro That Wants To Look Wider!👊

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I’ve been getting quite a bit of shoulder question infux, so I feel it’s definitely fitting today!

First off let’s start off im going to go more in depth here than the 4 exercises in the post and a lot of these exercises are going to overlap since there’s a few exercise that basically hit the whole entire shoulder. Of course there’s many other exercises but this should at least get you going in the right direction.

So what I have here is the major muscle groups of your shoulder, there are three heads to the shoulder anterior, lateral and posterior deltoids.

Let’s go over some of the breakdown:


Front Raises:
-These can be performed with either cables or dumbbells.
-A great compound that not only hits the front of the shoulders but basically the whole body as well.
Arnold Press:
-Encompasses a lot of the shoulder but also overlaps into the lateral head as well.
Military Press:
-These can be performed either seated or standing with dumbbells or even a barbell if you have the right equipment.


Lateral Raises:
-These can be performed with Cables or dumbbells.
Upright Rows:
-These can be performed with cables, dumbbells or barbells.
Lying Side Laterals:
-Mainly performed with light dumbbells.
One-Arm Side Cable Laterals:
-Great for the hypertrophy rep range and also keeps constant tension on the muscle.
Arnold Press:
-Encompasses a lot of the shoulder but also overlaps into the anterior head as well.
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