早餐除咗一杯啡,我仲好鍾意呢隻新出嘅 @sparkprotein #peanutbutter #chocolate #cookies ,一包就有10g pro…


早餐除咗一杯啡,我仲好鍾意呢隻新出嘅 @sparkprotein #peanutbutter #chocolate #cookies 🍪 ,一包就有10g protein,但又只有119kcal!

淡淡嘅花生同黑朱古力勁夾,好好食🤤口感香脆但100%純烘烤 非油炸!所以好低卡路里🤩仲要無用麵粉,可以減少攝取精緻澱粉,非常適合隨身攜帶、早餐、運動前後、餐與餐之間、為食一族、忙碌上班族同體重控制人士😁

🍪Spark cookie
10g protein
5.2g fat
7.4g carbs

#9fithk #夠fithk #hk #減脂一定要用啱方法 #hongkong #fitness #protein #fitnessjourney #healthyfood #healthylifestyle #healthychoices #healthyeating #letsgetfit #healthtips #proteinshake #nutrition #caloriecounting #hkig #增肌減脂 #卡路里 #蛋白粉 #增肌 #減脂 #yummy #奶蛋素 #proteinsnack


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