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Health Benefits & Uses Of Shankhpushpi Plant

Shankhapushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis) is a perennial herb and consider as a most wonderful gift of nature to the mankind. Shankhapushpi flowers are found in blue, pink and white in color.

Shankhapushpi Other Names :
Sanskrit : Shankhapushpi
Hindi : Shankhpushpi, Aparajit
Urdu : Sankhali
Telugu : Shankhapushpi

Parts Of The Plant Used :

Shankupushpam Plant Uses :
The herbal extracts of plants are seen to possess spermatogenic properties, so it can be beneficial in cases of sperm debility.
It is used to treat urinary system ailments.
It known to have cooling effects which alleviates symptoms of vomiting, burning sensations and thirst which are common during fever.
Plant extracts can is used for ailments in respiratory system like cough and cold, it is also used to prevent irritation of respiratory organs as it has expectorant properties.
The Herbal extracts of the plant are used for treatment of Asthma.
The Herbal extracts have tranquilizing effects and thus used for syncope, vertigo etc.
It is used for nervous system and brain related ailments.
Herbal extracts are also used for treating digestive system and other ailment such as jaundice, constipation, piles dyspepsia, etc.
It is also used for treating circulatory system of blood.
It is also used for treating smallpox.
The haemostatic effects of shankupushpams are beneficial for piles mostly the bleeding piles.
Plant extract are known to use for alleviators of pain and swellings.
Plant extract avoids fluid retention in the body and supports digestion.

Shankupushpam Leaves Uses :
Leaves of Shankupushpam plants can be grounded and mixed with salt for applying over swellings.
Powder of leaves is also used for treating brain disorders.
The ground leaves mixed with salt is used for applying over swellings.
The past of Leaves of white flower plant mixed with salt is used for applying on glandular swellings and cervical adenitis.
The fresh leaves juice mixed with ginger juice is effective remedy for controlling excessive sweating.
The powdered leaves are used for treating brain disorders.
Leaves of Shankhapushpi plant are used to treat bronchitis and asthma.

Shankupushpam Flower Uses :
A gram of Shankupushpam flower powder if taken daily with honey can be useful for uterus bleeding problems.
The roots of grounded shankupushpams are used with ghee or butter, two to three times daily to increase memory and intelligence.
The root extracts of shankupushpams are used for eye, throat infections, ulcer and urinary.
For migraine the root juice extracts are poured through nostrils.
The roots of the white flowered shankupushpams are used as medicinal paste for skin diseases. Extract of root is useful to treat throat infections , eye , ulcer , urinary troubles etc.
For migraine, the root juice extracts are poured thru nostrils.
The root juice with milk is beneficial in sticky phlegm cough and it can also relieve asthma problems.
The plant root is herbal remedy to treat childhood fever.
Shankupushpam Seed Uses
The seeds are fried in ghee and powdered and consumed with hot water for skin diseases.

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